Team Syntrosys engages with clients in full life cycle application development or in collaborative application development. If full life cycle application development Syntrosys team is responsible for analysis, design, development and test. In collaborative application Syntrosys team jointly works with your IT and application development teams to jointly analyze, development and test.
Web Application Development
Custom application development as per the business requirement leveraging existing and emerging technologies.
Mobile Application Developement
Maintain, extend, customize, re-engineer, re-factor, support existing applications.
Open source application Development
Enterprise application development using industry leading open source platforms-Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Ruby, Python.
Our Open Source Platforms
Syntrosys offers expirience and expertise in technologies required for running your business operations and IT operations. Sntrosys has developed vest practices on technologies required to build solutions based on industry standards.

Syntrosys has delivered projects and solutions multiple industries. Each industry has different requirements and standards that need to be supported. Team Syntrosys has expertise on delivering solutions across multiple industry verticals.